Weekly Astrology Horoscope for September 25 - October 1, 2017 by BEJAN DARUWALLA


                Shree Ganeshaya Namah
                Weekly Forecast
                September 25 – October 1
                By Bejan Daruwalla
Aries: Ganesha says an engagement or a marriage is strongly indicated. It is very clear that love is a genuine and solid commitment for you. Love and passion are not mutually exclusive. If you have been dating someone you could move to the next level. If you are single, chances are that you will meet someone significant. Romance is the paramount theme now.
Taurus: It is difficult to make future plans because your partner / spouse does not see things the same way. You need to sort this out first. Place your goals on hold and take time off work to discuss over the affairs that have been troubling you. You need to look deep for solutions. Your health improves and you are feeling energetic and healthier than ever before.
Gemini: There may be a minor accident in your vicinity. It is nothing to worry about, but it will change the way you perceive life; it will be a turning point for you emotionally. There are new avenues at work, and opportunities to explore a different space. You are gathering new information, meeting and interacting with new people and challenging yourself professionally.
Cancer: It’s the right time for friendship and new bonds as well as revitalising old connections. Your current friendships have a lot to offer, but you have not nurtured them. You  have had trust issues and have always tried to push people away from any involvement in your personal life even when you needed them. You will attempt to change all that this period.
Leo: You have endured a lot and come out as a winner. You now know that you have what it takes to withstand life’s hard knocks and punches. There is nothing that can get the better of you. There are expenses and travel and many meetings and collaborations. At one level, it could all be a waste of time but you have to meet people and engage in discussions to test the waters for further business expansion.
Virgo: You will be looking at doing something creative this period. Don’t be daunted by what the end product will be. If you are a writer and think that your writing won’t have a polished feel, for example it doesn’t matter because it will shine with the exuberance that rightfully belongs to you. You will create an individual style which will be very rewarding. Success at something new and different is foretold.
Libra: There will be family issues to solve. There could be tussles between children / parents / spouse / elders at home. It could be tense. Keep your cool and don’t say things you will regret later, and think before you voice your opinion. Don’t rush into anything, or take hasty decisions. There will be some pressure for an unexpected source. Try to respond with ease and grace even though you feel that the situation is somewhat irredeemable.
Scorpio: You may go on a shopping spree now in to feel good and boost your sagging morale. You are looking for an emotional lift now in order, a ‘happy pill’ that these new purchases can give. You don’t care about the consequences. You don’t even want to know how much money is in the bank as you splurge on different things, many of which you may never need. You want the adrenaline charging through your veins come what may and you are willing to take risks and even pay a heavy price for this mood.
Sagittarius: Someone significant is warm and gracious and sees things from your perspective. There are moments of frustration, but you are in control creating a buzz at every turn. You experience a certain kind of freedom from doing things the traditional way. You have chalked out a series of steps that are sequential and logical, you define and refine the process, and there is a level of maturity never seen before in your handling of both business and domestic issues.
Capricorn: Someone compelling and charismatic enters your life. He / she has the ability to make you run in circles. For once, you will find it exceedingly difficult to assert yourself in a way that is uniquely you and you may have to feign indifference to protect yourself if you want to do that. At work you earn plaudits by refocusing on the fundamentals, producing dramatically better products, and improving the brand’s emotional positioning.
Aquarius: You are taken in by new ideas, play around with them a bit, and then let them be. There are several opportunities but you have to grab them and make them work for you. This is a period of constant rethinking. There is continual travel too and you need to ensure that you don’t miss your focus. If you make the right decisions at the appropriate time, your relationships will be more intimate, engaging and long-lasting.
Pisces: You have been tested and challenged and, like in a game of snakes and ladders, you have made progress and fallen too. In addition to the work and home fronts, you have also earned enormous popularity and won kudos in the community. You are now connecting with people whom you may not have had an opportunity to meet. You’re developing skills as a social facilitator that will serve you well in the future; this could even pay off handsomely on the work front. 


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